Welcome to the official blog of the CNMI "Size Matters" Campaign, which aims to promote sustainable fishing by catching or eating fish only after they have reached their L50 size, or the size at which they begin to reproduce. This is one way we can work to ensure there will be enough fish for all of us tomorrow.

Contests and Winners

The Size Matters team will be coming to a beach near you to hand out prizes!

Jun Yamagishi with his Size Matters ice chest
Representatives from the Size Matters campaign will be scouring Saipan's beaches, cliffs, and docks looking for fishermen and handing out L50 posters and brochures.

If you already have your brochure, bring it with you!  Any fisherman or woman that runs into a team member and has there brochure with them will automatically win a Size Matters t-shirt and will be entered in a drawing to win a Size Matters custom 120qt ice chest!

So, if your going out fishing, grab your brochure on the way and we'll see you on the water!

Caught Fishin Contest Winners:
 Contest 1 Winner:

Guillermo Fernandez, Caught at Fishing Base

Photo Contest Winners:
 Contest 4 Winner:
TJ Sablan's winning photo

Contest 3 Winners:
Chunky and his grouper from Ryan Okano
Grand prize winner from Jake Van Dam
 Our interview with Jake
Contest 2 Winners:

Jake Van Dam measuring his Tarakitu

Ricky Seman measuring his Palakse

Our Grand prize winner from Jun Yamagishi!

Our interview with Jun

Contest 1 Winners:

Zion Okano measuring his catch

Morito Asai with his catch from Laolao Bay

John and Morito picking up their prizes from Steve

 Interview with winner Ryan Okano
 Interview with winner Morito Asai