Welcome to the official blog of the CNMI "Size Matters" Campaign, which aims to promote sustainable fishing by catching or eating fish only after they have reached their L50 size, or the size at which they begin to reproduce. This is one way we can work to ensure there will be enough fish for all of us tomorrow.

Why Midi (Measure)?

The idea behind Midi, or measuring, your catch is to ensure that the fish have had a chance to reach reproductive size (the size at which they can begin to spawn) before they are taken.  By catching fish after they have reproduced, we can make sure that the fish we catch have had a chance to replace themselves on the reef prior to being harvested.

More fish on the reef means more fish now, the assurance of fishing for our children and grandchildren, and healthier corals.

So midi your fish! If they're under the recommended size (found on the posters and brochures), try to target a larger one next time.  It takes time and experience to be a selective fisherman, but little by little, if we work at it, we can ensure that fish have a chance to replace themselves before we catch them so that we all have a chance to fish tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and 50 years from now!